When things keep showing up, my intuition tells me I need to pay attention, that the Universe is speaking to me. Lately “Alignment” has been popping up everywhere. It’s been in my thoughts, The Alignment Sequence was the topic of an amazing Masterclass I attended last week led by my good friend and coach Kara Edwards, and, as I celebrate another trip around the sun, I feel like alignment is a top priority for me in a multitude of ways.

“To live in alignment with your Spirit is to live your truth and build your life upon it.”

~ Sonia Choquette

The pursuit of alignment has become as essential to me as breathing. Unfortunately it isn’t as inherent in my functioning as breathing but I’m striving for alignment in all I do.

I strive for alignment in my purpose, seeking to undertand who I am, what lights me up and what service I am meant to provide in this lifetime on this planet.

I strive for alignment in my spirit, learning to care for myself first and nourish my soul so that I may generously show up for others.

I strive for alignment with my higher self, seeking to connect my focus, my intention and my action with who I want to become and where I want to go.

I strive for alignment in my health, understanding that eating nourishing, whole foods, exercising daily and getting sufficient rest helps me to feel good while not being hard on myself if I miss a day’s exercise or eat a cupcake on occasion.

I strive for alignment in my work, seeking to serve my clients exceptionally well while giving myself permission to stop working for the day so that I may recharge and show up again at my best tomorrow.

I strive for alignment in my relationships and seek to understand and to communicate with love while protecting my boundaries and honoring my worth.

I strive for alignment in all aspects of life so that I may live vibrantly and joyfully and shine my own extraordinary light in this world just as we are ALL meant to do.


My thoughts & actions align perfectly with my passion & purpose, my body & soul.


